Sunday 3 January 2010

Bitter Sweet

Today marks the end of the Christmas break and the transition from the holiday world to the real world. I have spent this day in bitter sweet mode.

Appreciative of the lovely time that I have enjoyed over the holidays. Also the opportunity to make the most of one last day of fun with Kofi and Tilly in the snow which looks like remaining with us over the days ahead.

Kofi got little balls of snow caught in his fur he looked quite a sight as he made his way up the road to home.

I am a little melancholy that a return to work means less time at home doing homely things. Charlie spent the afternoon indulging his love of football - two third round FA Cup matches on TV in one day! I compensated for his lack of attention by starting a new knitting project from a lovely book 'Little Luxury Knits' by Alison Crowther-Smith which I recieved this Christmas.

I intend to replace the cushions on our rocking chair with the split-cable cushion. I am a relative novice to knitting and it is my first attempt at cable but I am lucky that my mum lives not to far away and is willing to be on 'knitting-call' if needed. She is an expert knitter. I have already discovered that Kidsilk Aura is not the easiest wool to pull out following a mistake. Never-the-less I will enjoy this project and it will be fun to do on an evening while we await the return of lighter nights.

The beautiful sun-set brought a cheery note to the close of day...........................................................

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